Memory Efficient Scraping


Kampus Remote Worker Indonesia | 2024

Data Scraping | rianaditro


During the scraping process, all data is stored in a list. Each item in a list is stored in a block of memory. As the list grows, it continues to take up memory even when we no longer need the earlier data.

Once the list reaches the system's memory limit, the program may fail, causing your scraping process to terminate unexpectedly.

yield data
Data Scraping | rianaditro


def scrape_all_data(pages):
    data = []
    for page in range(1, pages + 1):
        page_data = [f"Item {i} from page {page}" for i in range(100)]
    return data

# Simulating data scraping using a generator
def scrape_data_generator(pages):
    for page in range(1, pages + 1):
        page_data = [f"Item {i} from page {page}" for i in range(100)]
        yield page_data  # Yielding data one page at a time

data_list = scrape_all_data(10)
data_generator = scrape_data_generator(10)

print(f"Memory usage with list: {sys.getsizeof(data_list)} bytes")
print(f"Memory usage with generator: {sys.getsizeof(data_generator)} bytes")
Data Scraping | rianaditro

Scraping with Yield

def scrape_multipage_site(base_url, total_pages):
    for page in range(1, total_pages + 1):
        url = f"{base_url}?page={page}"
        response = requests.get(url) 
        yield response

# Example usage
base_url = ""
total_pages = 5  # Number of pages you want to scrape

for response in scrape_multipage_site(base_url, total_pages):
    # Process each response one at a time
Data Scraping | rianaditro

Class Activity

Create a script to scraping by using generator for every loop instead of returning all the result at once. Notice when you can use yield or return.

Data Scraping | rianaditro

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Homework Assignment

Create a list of URLs in a CSV file. Use yield to read the rows one by one and extract the page!

Data Scraping | rianaditro

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Kampus Remote Worker Indonesia | 2024

Data Scraping | rianaditro

