Static Web Scraping


Kampus Remote Worker Indonesia | 2024

Data Scraping | rianaditro


BeautifulSoup is a Python library that simplifies the process of web scraping by allowing developers to extract data from HTML documents easily. It transforms complicated HTML documents into a tree of Python objects, such as tags, navigable strings, and comments. This makes it straightforward to locate and manipulate the desired data.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
Data Scraping | rianaditro

Common Bs4 Operations

Using find() to Get the First Match

soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

# Find the first product div
first_product = soup.find('div', class_='product')
print(first_product)  # Prints the first div with class "product"

# Get the text inside the first product name (h2)
product_name = first_product.find('h2').get_text()
print(product_name)  # Output: Product 1
Data Scraping | rianaditro

Using find_all() to Get All Matches

# Find all product divs
products = soup.find_all('div', class_='product')

for product in products:
    # Get product name (h2 tag)
    name = product.find('h2').get_text()
    # Get product price (p tag with class "price")
    price = product.find('p', class_='price').get_text()
    # Get the "href" attribute from the "a" tag
    buy_link = product.find('a', class_='buy-link')['href']
    print(f"Name: {name}, Price: {price}, Buy link: {buy_link}")
Data Scraping | rianaditro

Using get_text() to Extract Text

# Extract text of the first product description
description = first_product.get_text()

Using get() to Extract Attributes

# Extract the href attribute safely using get()
buy_link = first_product.find('a', class_='buy-link').get('href')
print(buy_link)  # Output:
Data Scraping | rianaditro

Class Activity

Open a webpage and save it manually into a HTML file, parse it using BeautifulSoup and print the result in the terminal!

Data Scraping | rianaditro


The Requests library is a popular Python tool that allows you to easily make HTTP requests. It is commonly used for web scraping, where you need to gather data from websites. Think of HTTP requests as asking a website to give you information, like a page of text or an image. With Requests, you can send these requests with just a few lines of code and receive responses that contain the information you need.

import requests
Data Scraping | rianaditro

Requests Code Example

import requests  # Import the requests library

# Send a GET request to a website
response = requests.get('')

# Check the status code of the response
print(f'Status Code: {response.status_code}')  # Outputs the HTTP status code

# Get the content of the response as text
html_content = response.text
print(html_content)  # Outputs the HTML content of the page
Data Scraping | rianaditro

Difference Between .text and .content

# Using .content to get raw bytes
binary_content = response.content
print(type(binary_content))  # Outputs: <class 'bytes'>

# If you want to convert it to a string (e.g., HTML), you would decode it:
html_string = binary_content.decode('utf-8')
print(html_string)  # Outputs the HTML as a string
Data Scraping | rianaditro

Class Activity

Send a GET request to using the Requests library and print the status code. Use loop and enumerate to find how many requests send before reaching status code 429.

Data Scraping | rianaditro

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Homework Assignment

Create a script to send a request to and extract the data for 3 or more pages

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Kampus Remote Worker Indonesia | 2024

Data Scraping | rianaditro

